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Crow's nest

Tree platform

The friendly "bark" of the caller, who answered with "Hello, Richard! I'm Klaus" left me in no doubt that Klaus is from Styria. And I had only had good experiences with Styrians so far. It was going to be the same this time.

A few phone calls, photos of the walnut tree in question, two freehand sketches, and we were agreed. Barely three weeks later, I was standing in front of the door of the family home with a trailer full of wood and a pile of screws and tools, where I was warmly welcomed by Sabine on a Sunday evening over a beer and temporarily welcomed into the family. The former bedroom of Moritz, her ten-year-old "son", became my cozy home for a few nights.

The next day, I set off at 7am, while Klaus was ready to do the "unskilled labor" for me himself. Working to our limits in sunny spring weather, we got to know each other a little and appreciated each other all the more. They were "top" building site days, simply "baba"!

The 60cm-thick walnut tree has a thick fork at a height of around 3 meters, which provides an ideal spot for the first platform. You climb this via a comfortable wooden ladder, enter the roof of a discarded telephone box from here and then climb another 3 steps higher until you reach the top. On the other side of the tree, the platform rises about 6 meters above the ground due to the deep drainage ditch there.

The platform is penetrated by several branches, and the large fork in the middle lent itself to another smaller platform, which towers a few meters above the main platform like the crow's nest on the mast of a sailing ship. From there you can enjoy the sunrise in the morning with a cup of coffee.

I am particularly pleased that Moritz and Klaus have already spent the first night on the platform after its completion.