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Plum platform

Tree platform

Right next to a lovingly converted former glass factory from the 18th century stands the ancient plum tree with an incredible trunk circumference of around 160 centimetres.

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Just above the first fork, the platform made from the tried-and-tested round larch poles and boards was pulled in and supported downwards against the trunk. Five branches grow through it and offer a picturesque, winding "labyrinth" with various seating options on the surface. The railing rungs are made of driftwood gnawed by beavers and weathered vineyard sticks, and the late-winter March temperatures of up to minus 12 degrees and light snowfall were a bit of a challenge for my fingertips. But they also ensured that the small pond, over which part of the platform now hovers, was covered by a solid layer of ice, making it possible to work on it with dry feet.Maxi, the six-year-old now master of the platform, stood by my side with imaginative ideas and shining eyes and followed the progress of the work from the window of his attic room, as long as he wasn't busy with school and homework.