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Tree platform stork nest

Tree platform

A friendly elderly gentleman wanted a rather unusual birthday surprise for his wife in the garden of his country house: a canopied double bed in the treetops with a view over the countryside.

Due to time constraints, we agreed to first build a spacious platform on the higher edge of the forest above the house between an apple tree, an oak and a white pine, on which there would be enough space for the future hut with an outdoor dining area.

The terrace floor made of planed larch planks rests on two disused telegraph poles, which are attached to the trees at a height of around three metres and an additionally erected larch corner pillar. The steps and railings are also made of larch wood. Diagonal braces were deliberately omitted so that the trees can move in the wind without damaging the terrace construction.

We attached the gnarled branches of plane trees to the outside as rungs for the balustrade and the stair railing, which break up the strict straight lines of the wooden structure and allow the platform to visually merge with its surroundings.

The green world of the valley seen from a height of around four to five metres looks different, because the view from the titmouse's perspective through the branches of the treetops offers new pleasures.I'm already looking forward to the development of the little "treetop bedroom"!